Open Pharma Symposium

Open Pharma symposium feedback form

Who can we trust? Open science and pharma research

Open Pharma symposium feedback
Would you attend an Open Pharma event again in the future?
On a scale of 1–5 (where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent), please rate the following aspects of this satellite symposium.

Please fill in or tick a box next to one of the numbers per row

Pre-conference communication
Pre-conference communication
Ease of registration
Ease of registration





Networking opportunities

Networking opportunities

General topic: trust and openness in pharma research

General topic: trust and openness in pharma research

Session 1 topic: open access

Session 1 topic: open access

Session 2 topic: accessible summaries

Session 2 topic: accessible summaries

Range of speakers

Range of speakers

Quality and interest of presentations

Quality and interest of presentations
Open science and trust
Richard Smith
Open science and trust
Richard Smith

Why: the importance of open access to patients
Richard Stephens

Why: the importance of open access to patients
Richard Stephens

How: open access commitment for Takeda-sponsored research
Chris Rains

How: open access commitment for Takeda-sponsored research
Chris Rains
What: the role and value of open access publishing in communicating pharma research
Leila Moore
What: the role and value of open access publishing in communicating pharma research
Leila Moore

Who: audiences and usage of plain language summaries
Adeline Rosenberg

Who: audiences and usage of plain language summaries
Adeline Rosenberg
How: Ipsen commitment on plain language summaries
Sarah Thomas
How: Ipsen commitment on plain language summaries
Sarah Thomas

Where: accessible summaries at Springer Nature
Caroline Halford

Where: accessible summaries at Springer Nature
Caroline Halford

Panel discussion and Q&A sessions

Panel discussion and Q&A sessions

Overall experience

Overall experience