Weekly digest: CC licences, COPE Forum and open peer review

Sophie Nobes

This week, we announce Open Pharma’s participation in a webinar on Creative Commons licences. We highlight a call for submissions of publication ethics cases to the next COPE Forum, plus a webinar on open peer review and the upcoming Asia Pacific Meeting of ISMPP. Finally, we read about the experiences of two researchers who raised concerns about potential image manipulation and research misconduct.

Demystifying copyright this Open Access Week via ISMPP

Join Open Pharma on Wednesday 23 October at this International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) University webinar. Speakers Sam Cavana (Head of Publishing Solutions at Taylor & Francis), Slávka Baróniková (Senior Director at Alfasigma), Sonia Schweers (Director, Medical Policy Governance at Bristol Myers Squibb), Valérie Philippon (Global Head, Scientific Communications & Managed Access Programs at UCB) and Sophie Nobes (Senior Medical Writer at Oxford PharmaGenesis) will explore Creative Commons licences in the context of medical publications. In honour of International Open Access Week (21–27 October), registration for this event is free.

Dear COPE: publication ethics advice via COPE

Do you have a publication ethics issue you would like guidance on? Members of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are invited to submit cases for discussion at the next COPE Forum on Tuesday 10 September. Submissions will be anonymized and presented to the forum participants for discussion, with any resulting advice summarized in a public case report.

Managing open peer review via Public Knowledge Project

This Peer Review Week (23–27 September), join Public Knowledge Project to explore how Open Journal Systems is adapting to the ever-evolving peer review landscape. Taking place on Wednesday 25 September, this webinar will explore ideas and insights about open peer review, and unveil upcoming enhancements to the Open Journal Systems offering. Registration for this event is free.

ISMPP Asia Pacific 2024 via ISMPP

Registration for the 2024 Virtual Asia Pacific Meeting of ISMPP is now open! Under the theme The strength of diversity: new perspectives from APAC publications, the half-day virtual conference on Friday 27 September promises an opportunity to explore regional publication practices, ethical considerations and effective communication strategies. Registration for this paid meeting is open until Friday 20 September.

Inconsistent responses to plagiarism concerns via Retraction Watch | 5-minute read

“Well, I don’t see a problem” – the alleged response of one journal editor to concerns of image manipulation and research misconduct raised by René Aquarius (Research Scientist at Radboudumc, Netherlands). When René and colleague Kim Wever (Assistant Professor of Anaesthesiology at Radboudumc) started preparing a literature review of preclinical animal models in haemorrhagic stroke, it wasn’t long before the figures started to look familiar…too familiar. In this article, René describes their experience of reporting plagiarism concerns to journals and the inconsistency they saw in the responses they received.

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