Weekly digest: Wiley’s AI guidance, APC rises and reproducible research

Sophie Nobes

This week, we learn about Wiley’s new AI guidance for authors, including their recommendations for appropriate declaration of AI use during publication development. We explore DeltaThink’s latest analysis of APCs, and we read a preprint from TIER2 that documents publisher, funder and researcher perspectives on achieving reproducible research. We also consider the implications of NIH funding restrictions on the global biomedical research infrastructure. Finally, we remind readers to register for the 21st Annual Meeting of ISMPP, which will feature two roundtables and two posters by Open Pharma, and we highlight a call for abstract submissions for the final DIAMAS Conference.

Wiley announces AI guidance via STM Publishing News | 2-minute read

Publishing giant Wiley has released new guidelines for authors on the responsible and effective use of artificial intelligence (AI). The guidelines, which were announced at The London Book Fair, provide detailed guidance on the responsible use of AI tools, including reminders to review the terms and conditions of any tools used to ensure that the “AI Technology does not claim ownership of [generated] content or impose limitations on its use”. Authors are also provided with examples of use cases that must be disclosed to Wiley upon submission and a template declaration statement

APC rises return to long-term averages via DeltaThink | 7-minute read

DeltaThink’s annual analysis of article processing charges (APCs) reveals that prices for Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licences rose by 6.5% between January 2024 and January 2025. The latest analysis indicates a return to long-term trends following rises of 9.5% in the year to January 2024, largely driven by high inflation rates. By surveying a list of APCs for more than 20 000 titles, DeltaThink also concluded that both the number of fully open access (OA) journals and the average APC charged has increased for the 7th consecutive year.

Achieving reproducible research via TIER2 | 45-minute read

Enhancing trust, integrity and efficiency in research through next-level reproducibility (TIER2) has released a new preprint exploring the causes and consequences of research reproducibility challenges. The preprint – titled How to get there from here? Barriers and enablers on the road towards reproducibility in research – draws on perspectives from scholarly publishers, research funders, qualitative social scientists and machine learning researchers to consider how to achieve a research ecosystem that supports reproducible research.

NIH: the shadow of global biomedical research via Nature | 4-minute read

“Drug discovery is going to slow down, for sure,” says Miriam Merad (Dean, Translational Research and Therapeutic Innovation at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai). The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the world’s largest individual funder of scientific and medical research. As funding cuts introduced by a new presidential administration bring the future of the agency into question, Nisha Gaind (Bureau Chief [Europe] at Springer Nature) considers the impact of changes at the NIH on the global biomedical research infrastructure.

Register for ISMPP Annual 2025 via ISMPP

Registration is now open for the 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP)! Taking place in Washington, DC, from 11 to 14 May 2025, the meeting promises to bring together leading medical publication professionals to discuss Diversity and innovation: in concert. Open Pharma is honoured to feature in the ISMPP Annual agenda, with two roundtable sessions – Raise your voice: orchestrating cross-publisher PLSP guidance and Tuning out predatory publishers: how to identify and avoid insidious publication practices – and two poster presentations – Cross-publisher agreement on the defining principles of plain language summaries of publications (PLSPs) and Use of plain language summaries by healthcare professionals: an Open Pharma survey

Call for submissions: DIAMAS Conference on diamond OA publishing via DIAMAS

The Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication (DIAMAS) project invites poster submissions for the final DIAMAS Conference: The future of diamond open access (OA) publishing in Europe and beyond. The conference, which will be held in Brussels, Belgium on Tuesday 3 June, welcomes abstracts that contribute to our understanding of how diamond OA fosters open and inclusive scholarly communication. Submissions are also sought from individuals and institutions with experience or intention to implement the DIAMAS outputs. Abstracts must be submitted via a Google form by Sunday 23 March.    

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